Tomsk Region. Fixed Investment

Years Total*, million rubles Index of physical volume of fixed investment, % vs. previous year
2001 13158.6 140.2
2002 14586.6 99.7
2003 20444.1 125.9
2004 16950.4 69.1
2005 14869.7 71.4
2006 28961.2 160.4
2007 54608.0 155.9
2008 61792.5 93.0
2009 52702.7 82.9
2010 52126.3 91.2
2011 79720.3 144.7
2012 82255.9 96.8

* not including small business entities and informal economy indicators

From: Statistical Yearbook, 2013: Statistics Digest/Tomskstat. Tomsk,2013.