Tomsk Region. Foreign Investment by Types*

  thousand USD % to
2009 2010 2011 2012 total
   2009     2010     2011     2012 
Investment – Total 226203.8 236085,1 408023.3
230070.0 100 100 100 100
direct investment  191675.1 193215,9 199259.3
 179603.6  84.7 81,8 48.8
contributions to capital  51612.2 80003,2 19207.9
 29635.0  22.8 33,9 4.7
loans from foreign co-owners of enterprises  138907.6 113211.0 180050.5
 148879.4  61.4 47,9 44.1
other direct investment  1155.3 1,7 0.9
 1089.2  0.5 0,0 0,0  0.5
other investment  34528.7 42869,2 208764.0
 50466.4  15.3 18,2 51.2
trade loans  —  —  —  —  —  —
other loans  34528.7 42869,2 208764.0
 50425.7  15.3 18,2 51.2


* without data on monetary authorities, commercial and savings banks, including contributions in rubles converted to US dollars

From: Statistical Yearbook, 2012: Statistics Digest/Tomskstat. Tomsk, 2012.