Tomsk Region to Hold Meeting of EU Countries Ambassadors


Ambassadors and top officials of EU countries in October will hold a meeting in Tomsk.

The first in the history "ambassador invasion" of EU countries will take place from 7 to 8 October in Tomsk. This is the result of discussion between the Governor of Tomsk Region Sergey Zhvachkin and EU Ambassador to Russia Marcus Ederer who will head the delegation.

The Governor of Tomsk Sergey Zhvachkin, Ambassador Marcus Ederer and Heads of Embassy will open the film festival of EU countries in Tomsk.

During the two days of visit the Ambassador will also see Tomsk universities, industrial, innovative and agricultural facilities, as well as cultural and touristic centers.

EU Ambassador to Russia Marcus Ederer first time visited Tomsk Region on 8 December, 2017: he participated in opening the first ten-day film festival of EU countries supported by EU Embassy in Russia and Administration of Tomsk Region.

In regard to invitation of EU Ambassador Marcus Ederer on 16 May, 2018 Governor Sergey Zhvachkin presented Tomsk Region in EU Embassy to Russia to European countries ambassadors. Tomsk Region became the first region in the country that presented itself in a Russian office of European Union. After the presentation, Tomsk Region Governor Sergey Zhvachkin invited European Ambassadors to see scientific educational and innovation potential of the region.

Source: Administration of Tomsk Region
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