Tomsk Region successfully implements Corporate Entrepreneurship program


For the first time in Russia a pilot project on corporate entrepreneurship for small and medium companies was implemented in Tomsk Region between December 2014 and March 2015. The initiative was part of the government program ‘Development of Entrepreneurship in Tomsk Oblast’.

The Corporate Entrepreneurship project was developed and implemented by the analytical company Moscow Region. 224 applications were submitted, 110 entrepreneurs took the training course and developed descriptions of new or existing projects. The selection criteria included operating in production or agriculture, sales potential in other regions or countries, etc. Based on that federal experts selected 11 projects. These projects will be presented to the institutional partners and other participants at the investment projects session.


Winning projects are: production of functional food products out of biofortified ingredients; car service center AutoRemax; a corporation producing and selling dried leaves of fireweed (‘Ivan Chai’); market entry strategy for an energy efficient construction technology for private housing Yarit; a web design company; organic food producer Sibirsky Znakhar (‘Siberian Herbalist’); Rusfranchise workshops teaching business franchising tips to entrepreneurs; Tomsk and Siberian business magazine Bizon; food court chain; production of designer clothes; and Siberian ecotourism company Siberian Wonder.

Source: Tomsk Region Administration Information Server
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