Minister of agriculture has held a session in Tomsk


Nikolay Fyodorov, minister of agriculture of the Russian federation has held a meeting “Agricultural policy of the Tomsk Region in the modern context. Development of dairy and meat breeding, stimulation of crop production.” The meeting took place September 9, as part of minister’s visit to the Tomsk Region.

The meeting was joined by the governor Sergey Zhvachkin, vice-governor for agroindustrial policy and natural resources management Andrey Knorr, head of the department of animal breeding and pedigree work of the Ministry of agriculture Vladimir Labinov, head of crop production department, chemicalization and crop protection Pyotr Chekmarev, heads of leading agroindustrial enterprises of the Tomsk Region.  

The meeting participants discussed the matters of state support for the rural residents. They pointed out that the Tomsk Region officials’ measures for the last year’s draught losses compensation were timely and efficient. At the same time agricultural producers are not happy with the state support measures for crop production and dairy breeding, particularly, the procedure for calculation and the amount of hectare support of agrarians. There also was some talk of agricultural machinery renewal — 5 billion rubles are allocated from the federal budget to compensate for the equipment purchase losses and 2.3 billion — compensate to its producers, so that they have an opportunity to sell machinery to the rural residents with 15% discount.  Representatives of federal and regional authorities, industry representatives have discussed allocation of authority among federal and regional veterinary services, the efficiency of university training of the agrarians.  

“We always have and will support our rural residents. Today we have already passed from achieving physical characteristic to economic efficiency indicators. We consider agricultural sector in a broader sense than animal breeding, bird farming and crop production: we seek to ultimately engage the full natural potential of the region — wild crops, fisheries industry, game management. I’m sure that the visit of minister of agriculture, the first in the modern history of the Tomsk Region, will boost further development”, said governor Sergey Zhvachkin regarding the results of the meeting.

Source: Press Service of the Tomsk Region
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