Rape Manufacturing Plant with 60,000 Ton per Year Capacity to Be Constructed in Tomsk Region
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The plant is planned to be constructed at Mezheninovskaya poultry farm in Tomsk district.
The launch of the first line is planned in December 2018, the commissioning of all production facilities will take place in October 2019. The project investments will account to 500 million rubles, more than 300 millions of it is for equipment purchase.
It was reported by Director General Deputy for animal and crop farming of Mezheninovskaya poultry farm Vladimir Ermolenko at the discussion of rape cultivation in Siberia conditions within the frame of the transregional agricultural forum "Field day" in Tomsk Region.
The construction of the plant will allow Tomsk Region agriculturists to increase rape cultivation volumes at least up to 60 thousand tons oilseeds per year. After manufacturing the region will receive 21 thousand tons of rape oil and 33 thousand tons of 9% fat oilcake for animal feed. Organically produced rape oil is a profitable item for export to Chinese and Eastern Europe markets, while oilcake has high demand in the region.
"Rape is well known as a lactiferous product, that is why milk producers are more interested in this manufacturing", pointed out Vladimir Ermolenko. "The product becomes valuable and of high quality, but we need rape breeds and cross-breeds that meet modern requirements of European and Chinese consumers, especially in regard to organics. We are planning to purchase rape the shortage of which today amounts to 47 thousand tons per year from both Tomsk and neighbouring agricultural producers".
According to the Regional Department for Social and Economical Development of Rural Areas, there are more than 20 farms cultivating rape, their annual production amounts to 19 thousand tons. Most of it is exported from the region, to other countries as well.
"According to the last year results, our agriculturists in average received 15.7 thousand kg of rape from each hectare – that is the best result to the east of the Urals", pointed out the Head of Department Irina Cherdantseva. "It's quite new technical cultivation for Tomsk Region, but it has a high margin and profitability in the Russian and world market. Last year the cultural area amounted to 12 thousand hectares, this year we have more than 20 thousand hectares".