New Forms of State Support For Emergent Farmers And Small Businesses


A new form of state support for emergent farmers and small businesses startup appeared in 2019. The amount of the grant the applicant can apply for is 3 million rubles - not more than 90% of the costs. This amount can be increased to 4 million rubles for those who enter into cooperation and implement their project together with a consumer cooperative.

Funds can be used to purchase livestock, equipment for the production of agricultural products, agricultural machinery, seeds, construction and modernization of production and storage facilities, including the preparation of design estimates, etc.

The selection of projects for the grant startup was carried out as a part of the federal project “Creating a system for supporting farmers and developing rural cooperation” of the national project “Small and medium enterprises and supporting individual entrepreneurial initiatives”.

In addition to startup, the project provides for the allocation of subsidies to reimburse part of the costs of agricultural consumer cooperatives and for the creation and support of centers of competence in the field of agricultural cooperation.

Source: Administration of Tomsk Region
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