Tomsk Governor Announces Reboot For the Special Economic Zone


During the onsite meeting, Sergei Zhvachkin, the governor of the Tomsk Region said: “Last year Tomsk SEZ celebrated its 15th anniversary, and it is evident, that this most important element of the innovation sector of Tomsk needs a reboot.  We all want SEZ to keep its status of the center of business activity and the place of startup attraction.  But to keep this status, to use our potential and not to lose to the competition we need decisive steps and quick changes.”

According to the governor, the economic crisis slowed down the development of SEZ.  However, Tomsk SEZ is in good standing with the federal center, Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation; on a number of factors Tomsk SEZ is one of the best across national ratings.

“Thinking of tomorrow, today we create the Big University of Tomsk.  And the Special Economic Zone must become an active participant of the integration of universities, academic science and business,” – Sergei Zhvachkin stated.

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