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In Tomsk Region a Proportion of Small Business Working in Manufacturing is the Highest in Siberian Federal District

In Tomsk region, the proportion of small and medium business working in manufacturing is 17 %, that’s the most higher characteristic in Siberian Federal District.

Source: Administration of the Tomsk Region

More 470 Export-Oriented Companies of Tomsk Region Received a State Support

For 5 years a state support were provided for more than 470 export-oriented small and medium-sized companies of Tomsk region, which negotiated 120 export contracts. 

Source: Administration of the Tomsk Region

Tomsk Region Maintained the Position of Strong Innovator in Ranking of Association of Innovative Regions of Russia

By results of a ranking of innovation regions, Tomsk region maintained the fourth position of strong innovator after Saint Petersburg, Moscow and republic of Tatarstan.

Source: Administration of the Tomsk Region

Tomsk region to Direct 1.5 billion rubles for state support of agro-industrial complex

In 2018, 1.5 billion rubles will be allocate for state support of the agro-industrial complex, including priority for the region of dairy and meat industries.

Source: Tomsk Region Administration
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