The Business Invested 135 Million Rubles to the Processing of Wild Plants


On the village meeting the Tomsk region Governor Sergey Zhvachkin signed new opportunities for the rural economic.

 “Only in last year our people prepared almost 9,000 tons of wild plant base material for its industrial processing.  Just 4,000 tons of wild berries were harvested - it is in 2.5 times more than the year before”, said Sergey Zhvachkin.

 The governor although noted, that last year the business invested 135 million rubles in the processing of wild plants. The company “Artlife” completes the construction of plant for manufacturing gelatin capsules. The company “Solagift” upgraded capacities for producing fir-tree.

Every year Tomsk food industry workers launch about 100 new types of products to the market, extend an export assortment, which almost includes such 200 goods.

A total monthly volume Tomsk food producers manufacture about 1,500 tons of wild plant products.

Source: Administration of the Tomsk Region
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