City budget funding of innovations projects to attract new investments in the economy


The Fund for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises published a report on successful completion of another R&D stage by a number of small innovative companies in Tomsk.

Eight companies from Tomsk won in the contest for federal subsidies for the second year of the projects implemented as part of the START program. Each winner will get from 1.6 to 2 million rubles from the Fund in 2012-2012. TMI, another company from Tomsk won in the contest for funding the third R&D stage of an innovations project and will receive 2.8 million rubles.

In previous years, those companies won in the contests held under the START program which provides stage-by-stage funding of the winner's projects for a maximum of 3 years.

The majority of these companies were also provided funding under a municipal target innovations program. Some of them are going to bring their innovative products to market soon.

Nurofit, for example, is about to start producing a patient-friendly medication which provides complete recovery from opisthorchiasis. El content is about to start selling software which offers automated development of training resources for full-time, part-time and distance learning. Sectar has already launched sales of its augmented reality software.

Tomsk Region has firmly secured its position as a Russian leader for the most important indicator tracked by the Fund – "share of START program winner companies which proceeded to the second and subsequent R&D stages". Experience has shown that long-term federal funding is an indicator of the project's importance for the national economy and high probability of it turning into commercial production.

Source: Tomsk City Administration
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