Tomsk Region Governor Held the First Supervisory Board of the Cross-industrial Centre


On April 10, Tomsk region Governor Sergey Zhvachkin held in the region's administration the first meeting of the supervisory board of the Cross-industry joint technology development centre, which the head of the region established along with National Research Tomsk State University and National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University.

Opening the Сouncil, the governor noted that the cross-industrial centre is a new structure for the work of science and business.

“Large companies shall not compete but cooperate here. They are able to assemble a project team of representatives from the technology business, university and academic science. The doors of cross-industrial center are open to the competencies of many Tomsk organizations,” Zhvachkin said.

The Governor recalled that there are six state universities, a research centre of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Tomsk Special Economic Zone of Technology Innovative Type and 400 innovative companies in the region.

Tomsk enterprises have the status of national champions, replacing imports at industrial projects of the oil, gas, energy and petrochemical facilities. Natives of Tomsk are qualified in the exploration, extraction and processing of hydrocarbons, nuclear energy, oil and gas chemistry, engineering, forestry and other industries.

“Under the instructions of President Vladimir Putin, our region has become a pilot in implementing the Strategy for Russia's Scientific and Technological Development. The basis of the pilot region model is new structure of work with large companies, our strategic partners. And the cross-industrial centre is a further move in this work,” added Sergey Zhvachkin.

At the Russian Investment Forum in Sochi, the Tomsk Region Governor reached an agreement on the creation of a cross-industrial centre of joint technological developments with Alexander Dyukov, Chairman of the Management Board of Gazprom Neft. Today, an agreement on joining the new work format of the SIBUR company- was signed by the Executive Director Vasily Nomokonov.

“Both oil-producing and petrochemical companies occupy leading positions in the quality of technological processes, the volume of investments in new technologies, the dynamics of digital transformation,” emphasized Sergey Zhvachkin.
- It's noteworthy that we are not starting a new stage of cooperation from scratch. Tomsk Region and universities already have several joint projects with Gazprom Neft and SIBUR. First, this is the development of HTR reserves, the new generation polymers creation, the training of international standard specialists. "

“I would first answer the question, if contacts were being carried out, cooperation has also been established and there is a result of interaction, what is the of cross-industrial center for?”-the head of the region continued. - We believe that solving the problems industrial production is facing today (cost-cutting of product production while improving its quality) is not enough for the advanced model of market system. It is equally important to think about the future - the development of new technologies, their commercialization, the creation of new businesses and their market promotion. We also assign this task to a joint technology development centre.”


Source: Administration of the Tomsk Region
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