Residents of the Tomsk special economic zone present their products to Tomsk Gazprom Transgaz
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At the SEZ Tomsk meeting, attended by technical specialists from Tomsk Gazprom Transgaz, heads of SEZ Tomsk and regional departments, the parties discussed how the SEZ Tomsk residents' achievements can be applied when the spare parts and components for the equipment are no longer supplied from the unfriendly countries.
“We are aware of the significance of building horizontal communication of the residents and industrialists who shall be informed about the products and capabilities of our enterprises within the existing economic conditions”, said Konstantin Kaminsky, General Director of the SEZ Tomsk management company.
The attendees discussed a proposal to enable the state procurement participants to purchase products of the residents of technical and innovation SEZs without tenders. Apart from increasing the demand for it, it will make the resident status more attractive and give the SEZ an impulse to grow as an innovation center.
At the end of the meeting, Georgy Borodulin, head of the regional investment department, spoke about the state support measures for investment projects in the Tomsk region, such as “Project Finance Factory”, “Industrial mortgage”, grants to improve pieces of technology. The complex of such measures combined with the infrastructure opportunities of the SEZ is rather attractive for the industrial counterparts of state corporations to place their production in the Tomsk region.