Tomsk region established the first in Russia private industrial park with foreign participation
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The Regional Coordinating Council for the support of investment activity and the provision of state guarantees has decided on awarding the Asinovsky forestry industry park the status of private industrial park. Such decision was made by the council having considered and discussed the initiative of CJSC RosKitInvest.
According to the deputy governor of the Tomsk region for investment policy and property relations Yuri Gurdin, the industrial park status will give the opportunity to participate in various federal programs of support of the investment activity. "Now the Ministry of Economic Development updates the law on special economic zones. The amendments involve the same preferences on the part of the Federation for all zones of advanced development, including the industrial parks,"- said Yuri Gurdin.
We would like to remind that according to the plans the CJSC "RosKitInvest" as a result of the full implementation of the project Asinovsky forestry industrial park will include at least eight productions. Today, the peeled veneer and medium density fibreboard production plants work on the territory of the park, the sawmill plant reconstruction is underway. After the start, the project investment amount reached 20 billion rubles, and till 2022 the Chinese investors plan to invest 10 billion rubles more into the park development.
In the end, according to the deputy director general of CJSC "RosKitInvest" Boris Kaznacheev, 100 percent waste-free production will be organized in Asinovsky forestry industrial park.
"We are already negotiating with investors the placement of their timber processing projects in Asinovsky park. We assess the needs of future residents in order to consider them in designing the infrastructure of the park", - said Boris Kaznacheev.
"The status of industrial park will allow attracting additional both private and public investments into the territory of the Tomsk region, - says the vice-governor for Agricultural and Industrial Policy and Nature Management Andrey Knorr. Many advantages are behind the formal procedure of status assigning, in particular, the possibility of raising funds for infrastructure development: its absence in the wood processing industry is now the main cause hampering development of the industry."