The Berezin Medical Institute will build PET center in Tomsk
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On November 29 the Governor of the Tomsk region Sergey Zhvachkin and the Chairman of the St. Petersburg Dr.Berezin Medical Institute (MIBS) Arkady Stolpner signed an investment agreement on the construction of the positron emission tomography (PET) center in Tomsk.
As the head of the region explained when signing the agreement in the administration of the Tomsk region, the arrangements with the managements of MIBS on the construction of the center were achieved in June at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum.
"The most important thing in human's life is health, - stressed the Tomsk Governor Sergey Zhvachkin. - And I am very glad that not only the state authorities take care of the people's health, but the private business as well. We have lots of similar examples in Tomsk region: during the last year alone, we have opened a special hemodialysis center and a private health care facility "Health Harmony", which work at the expense of the mandatory health insurance funds, free of charge for the residents of the region. And today we continue on the course".
The technology of the positron emission tomography is based on the introduction of a biologically active substance, which is labeled with a radioactive isotope (usually it is glucose), to a patient's body. The high sensitivity of the method allows detecting even the small blastomas, as accurately as possible to determine the stage of the disease, and choose the most effective treatment strategy.
The Governor reminded when signing the agreement that the regional authorities systematically engage in treating the oncological diseases.
"In the region's districts we have created a primary cancer care system; the modern radiological canyon has been working for the second year in Tomsk. The main result of this great work is the reduction of people's cancer mortality", - said Sergey Zhvachkin, noting that the chain of regional oncology service lacked one link, the PET Center.
At the same time, Sergey Zhvachkin clarified that in Tomsk Oblast all conditions for the development of the positron emission tomography technology are created: the country's oldest Siberian State Medical University and the Tomsk National Research Medical Center established recently on the basis of six academic institutions work here. Also the nuclear technologies are being developed by the National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University.
Six companies had been competing for the right to construct the PET-center in Tomsk, but the special working group created by the Governor settled on the St.Petersburg Medical Institute. MIBS has already had experience of similar work, engaging in the construction of similar centers in the neighboring regions.
As the Chairman of the MIBS Management Board Arkady Stolpner noted the Institute plans to invest RUR 2 billion in the construction of four nuclear medicine centers in Tomsk, Novosibirsk, Kemerovo and Barnaul. Investments in Tomsk PET center will amount to RUR 500 million. Every year, at the expense of the mandatory medical insurance funds two thousand researches will be held here, which meets the demands of the region.
The PET-center will be located in the region of the Northern Medical campus, near the Regional Clinic Hospital, where the authorities have already allocated the necessary land to the investor.