Tomsk region intends to become a "pilot" in the use of private-public partnership for agriculture
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The questions of private-public partnership in the field of agriculture have become the main ones on the kick-off meeting of the representatives of the main office of JSC "Gazprombank" (Moscow), the authorities, municipalities, agricultural manufacturers, consulting companies, antimonopoly service, and the agrarian universities.
Proposals for the use of the opportunities of the private-public partnership in dairy farming of the Tomsk region was presented by the head of the directorate of the infrastructure projects of JSC "Gazprombank" Alexei Shevchenko. The expert called a long-term nature of the relationship, low interest rates and state guarantees as the main advantage of the private-public partnership. So, if the standard support of the agro-industrial complex is planned for one fiscal year, then in the format of the private-public partnership the region undertakes the obligations for the state support for the whole period of validity of the agreement. The initiative was supported by the regional authorities.
According to the Head of the department for the village social and economic development Irina Cherdantseva, the region is ready to 7 become a pilot in the development of the private-public partnerships in the agricultural industry and has already made some steps in this direction. "In Tomsk region much work is in progress on the modernization and reconstruction of agriculture facilities. Taking into account the budget constraints at the federal and regional level, it is the private-public partnership mechanism that could accelerate the development of industry and the implementation of import substitution policy", - said Irina Cherdantseva. As a result of the kick-off meeting, the parties agreed that in order to create the register of potential participants of the private-public partnerships the department for the village social and economic development in Tomsk region would make an inventory of the investment projects in the field of agro-industrial complex and till the end of 2016 would form the intra-departmental working group for their implementation in the format of the private-public partnership.
For reference: The right to enter into concession agreements and agreements on the private-public partnerships in relation to the agricultural facilities were received by the regions in 2015 thanks to the amendments to the federal law on public-private and municipal-private partnership. This measure was taken by the State to promote the development of food security of the Russian Federation subjects.