Vladimir Mazur Orders To Develop Program Of Creation New Subfield of Microelectronics


Rectors of Tomsk universities, heads of academical institutions and enterprises of the real sector of economy took part in the meeting of the round table “Technological leadership of the Russian Federation: breakthrough solutions of the Big University of Tomsk - microelectronics of multispectral quantum radiography”.  They discussed the development of promising directions in the sphere of multispectral quantum radiography for solving pertinent problems in medicine, production and scientific instrument manufacture.

Tomsk universities and academical institutions actively get involved in creation of experimental stations of common use center SKIF.  National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University is creating Microfocus station.  Tomsk Institute of High Power Electronics of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences is planning to create a station called Structure Diagnostics.  Six Tomsk institutes are participating in a three-year project within the framework of the federal program in synchrotron and neutron research.

Tomsk scientific centres have already prepared and conducted educational programs, they are ready to take upon themselves a broader circle of tasks, including the ones for solving issues of import substitution both current and proactive.  The participants of the round table concurred in the opinion, that one of such directions is the creation of detectors of synchrotron emission.  The development of the new direction has both a technical and an economical significance: it will allow to create in Tomsk hi-tech knowledge based industry, able to compete on the global market of the base of electronic components.  The project can increase the world microelectronic market growth by 4%, as well as advance the level of all existing X-ray medical instruments up to export class.

There is already high demand for detectors of synchrotron ionising emission, the production of which is being planned.  Particularly, the solution will be utilised in the federal project SKIF.  Up until recently microelectronics of multispectral quantum radiography based on the solutions of Tomsk scientists was produced only abroad.

Vladimir Mazur ordered to develop a roadmap on creating the prototypes of equipment; make a suggestion for the fuel company TVEL of the state corporation Rosatom on organising industrial production on the technological site of Siberian Chemical Combine and other enterprises of the region; as well as create a new technological cluster with the participation of scientific centres and industrial enterprises of the region.

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