New Production Operations Launch In Tomsk Region 2020


“In the year 2020 we not only preserved the number of production operations, including unique ones, but even grew them.  The pandemic provided a push to open new operations, directed at protecting the population of the region as well as the country as a whole”, - Igor Shaturniy, deputy governor, noted.

“Zaschita” (Protection) company launched production of surgical masks with a production capacity of more than 250 thousand units per day.

The Scientific Production Center “Polus” is mastering the production of disinfectant lamps; these lamps have the ability to eliminate bacteria, viruses, and fungi.  The effectiveness of these lamps is validated by the government's scientific center of virology, “Vector”.

In November “Cryogenmash-Gaz” received a license to produce medical grade oxygen from industrial oxygen.

In August, Governor Sergei Zhvachkin opened a testing zone with the goal of testing a 5g network, the first one this side of the Urals. The new network has many new applications: to be used in educational institutions, as well as in the industrial sector.  The project has been realized in cooperation with the scientific-educational complex and the company “MTS”.

“Interglass” is finishing modernization of a glass-container plant.  It will enable the region to produce lightweight glass containers with the most effective methodology using technology, which will provide reductions of raw material consumption, as well as reduced consumption of energy resources and reduced atmosphere emissions.

Samus shipbuilding and ship-repair yard has mastered the launching sea barges.  Two barges have already been launched for JSC “Tomsk shipping company”.

In December, a resident of Advanced Special Economic Zone “Seversk”, “TomskAzot” company started the production of nitrogen fertilizers (ammonia nitrate) for agriculture - with a capacity of 11 thousand tons a year.

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