Tomsk enterprises sign export contracts worth half-billion rubles under the national project in 2022


The participants of the all-Russian conference devoted to the export support infrastructure in Arkhangelsk, which was arranged by the Russian Export Center, summed up the results of the Centers' activity for the past year.

Tomsk Export Promotion Center successfully proven the effectiveness of all indicators of the national project “Small and medium-sized businesses and support of individual entrepreneurial initiatives”.

In 2022, the Center contributed to the conclusion of 29 export contracts by SMEs which amounted to more than 500 million rubles.

In 2023, the fund raising of export support activities for small and medium enterprises within the framework of the national project is expected to increase more than twofold.

The Export Support Center has already received applications from the regional SMEs to take part in the international exhibitions in Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Vietnam, Brazil, UAE, Egypt and Saudi Arabia.

Business missions to Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, India, Vietnam, Mongolia and Malaysia are planned following a request of Tomsk enterprises.

The preliminary event schedule for export-oriented regional SMEs is posted on the foreign economic information portal of the Tomsk region.

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