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Guarantee Fund Helps Tomsk Businesses Get 1.4 Billion Rubles Worth In Loans Year To Date

During the last ten months of 2022 the Tomsk Region's Guarantee Fund provided sixty-five guarantees four-hundred million roubles worth


Investment Protection And Inducement

Draft regulations of the Tomsk Region Administration have been developed with the goal of providing the opportunity for the investors to reach agreements for protection and inducement of investment in the Tomsk Region


Tomsk Enterprises Can Receive “Industrial Mortgage”

The Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation launched a new mechanism of support for industrial enterprises - “industrial mortgage”


Tomsk Farmers To Receive Support For Producing Oil Crops

The government of the Russian Federation directed additional means in the amount of 4.8 bln. roubles for stimulating oil crop production


“One needs to come here, build here, develop industrial production here…”

A visit from the prosecutor of the Tomsk Region, Semenov A.N. to the industrial park “Tomsk” took place on October 14th

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