Year 2021

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Tomsk Region to Continue SIBUR Collaboration

The governor of the Tomsk Region, Sergei Zhvachkin, and the board chairman of PAO Sibur Holding, Dmitry Konov, signed a collaboration agreement during the St. Petersburg international economic forum


KSEOLAB Company Becomes New Resident Advanced Special Economic Zone

The company plans to conduct development of xenon containing cosmetic products on the territory of the ASEZ


INO Tomsk Attracts 53 bln Rubles Into Regional Economy

The first complex territorial developmentproject in Russia, INO Tomsk (Innovational Territorial Center) began simultaneously with the strategy of regional development


Senator Vladimir Kravchenko Offers Bill to Support Residents of Advanced Special Economic Zone

Legislation has been drafted, which suggests prolonging the terms of application of reduced insurance deductions for the residents of advanced special economic zones


New Low Interest Loans For Small Business Provided in Tomsk Region

The microfinancing fund of the Tomsk Region has launched a program “Financing current activities for the newly started small and medium size businesses"


Ready To Move In Lots On Territory Of Tomsk Special Economic Zone

In connection with finishing the works on startup operations for power facilities on the territories of Southern and Northern sites, “ready to move in” land lots have been prepared with engineering and transport infrastructure for placing own production plants of enterprises


New Transforming Substation Built In Special Economic Zone Tomsk

Gorseti (municipal electric company) is testing the new transformer substation on the southern site of SEZ


Onsite Meeting Conducted at the Territory of Priority Social And Economic Development Area Seversk

Deputy governor of the Tomsk region of investment policy and property relations, Uri Gurdin, conducted an onsite meeting in PSEDA Seversk on the 13th of April


Tomsk Governor Announces Reboot For the Special Economic Zone

On the 6th of April the governor of the Tomsk region, Sergei Zhvachkin, conducted a meeting on the concept of development of this technology innovative SEZ


New Resident Of Industrial Park Tomsk To Launch Production Of Construction Materials

The status of the resident at Tomsk industrial park has been awarded to OOO Stroyitelnaya Fabrika (Building factory)

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