Year 2021

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Finnish Company Ponsse Opens Service Center In Tomsk Region

On the 11th of November, the governor of the Tomsk Region, Sergey Zhvachkin, and the head of the board of directors of the Finnish company Ponsse PLC Jarmo Vidgrén opened a service center Ponsse, which will be the third in Russia and the first one this side of the Urals


Theory And Practice Of Realizing Projects In PSEDA Seversk

In the process of a strategic session, representatives of companies – residents of PSEDA Seversk talked about the advantages which realizing a project in this preferential zone of the Tomsk Region gives


New Constant Zone Boundaries Of Customs Control In The Tomsk Special Economic Zone Building Has Been Defined

Starting October 28th, 2021, the procedure of free customs zone will apply only in the experimental laboratory building in the center of innovations and technologies of the SEZ Tomsk, and in the engineering center – in a section of the basement level


Novohim Company Receives Resident Status of Industrial Park Tomsk

The enterprise will develop the production of low-tonnage chemistry within the territory of Tomsk industrial park


Expert Council Meeting on Investment Policy and Property Relations

A regular meeting of the Tomsk Region Deputy Governor’s expert council on investment policy and property relations took place on the  19th of October


Government Panel Office Supports Project of Building a Section of the Small Transport Ring of Tomsk

The Office of the Government Commission for Regional Development of Russia has supported the Tomsk Region's application for the construction of the first section of the Tomsk Small Transport Ring. The region will receive a loan from the federal budget for the project in the amount of 1.8 billion rubles


Two Enterprises Become Residents of Industrial Park Tomsk

Rybozavod Tomskii and NPK Magnit join the ranks of industrial park Tomsk residents


Biolit Company Becomes New Resident of Special Economic Zone Tomsk

On the southern site of the SEZ Tomsk, Biolit plans to build a research and production complex, with an area of more than 2 thousand square meters, for the development and production of innovative goods on modern high-tech equipment


Tomsk Companies to Receive Subsidized Loans for Digital transformation

The Ministry for Digital Development, Communications, and Mass Media of the Russian Federation provides state aid, directed at accelerating the processes of digital transformation of enterprises within the framework of the national program Russian digital economy


Tomsk Region Governor Kicks Off Construction of the New Airport Passenger Terminal

On September 13th, the governor of the Tomsk Region, Sergei Zhvachkin, put the first slab into the future building of the new passenger terminal of Nikolai Kamov Tomsk international airport

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